Very Best Wishes for a HAPPY CHRISTMAS and all that's good for 2017
Bird Blue Advent Jollity! #Advent #Xmas #Christmas #ChristmasDay #Santa #star #SantaClaus #FatherChristmas #countdown #festive #holidays...

Santa's Got His Hat On...Hip Hip Hip Hooray!
Hooray Advent Jollity! #18 #Advent #Xmas #Christmas #Santa #hat #hooray #countdown #stocking #heart #baubles #star

Reach For The Stars!
Reach For The Stars Advent Jollity! #15 #Advent #Xmas #Christmas #countdown #penguins #star #snow

Make A Wish!
Fairy Advent Jollity! #8 #Advent #Xmas #Christmas #fairy #2016 #star #birdbluecreative #BirdBlueCreative #hearts

Bonny Bonfire Night!
A very happy, safe & toasty Bonfire Night to all! Bird Blue x #GuyFawkes #BonfireNight #sparklers #sparkler #fireworks #star #face #smile...